My Expertise
An Extensive Marketing Background
For over 15 years, I have provided my clients with superior ghostwriting, editing, and copywriting services, drawing on my natural ability to grasp complex, demanding subject matter and make it accessible and compelling for everyday readers. I love the process of clarifying the client’s ultimate goal for their ebook, developing a detailed outline, and then executing the project in a way that exceeds expectations.
A Masterful Brand Storyteller
I previously worked as a lead copywriter at a successful, well-known medical and legal marketing firm and understand the story that must drive each brand. Many clients are intelligent, thoughtful writers but sometimes just need a helping hand to get from concept to reality when it comes to their ebook. I can help.
A Passion for Holistic Health
I received certification as a holistic nutritionist and I have also written my own self-help ebook on empowerment through affirmations, available on Amazon. As such, I have assisted dozens of therapists, counselors, self-help professionals, motivational speakers, dieticians, life coaches, and relationship experts to create passive income in the form of their own intellectual properties (ebooks.)
A Nuanced Understanding of Advanced Technology
My background as a medical copywriter means I have a special interest in cutting-edge, groundbreaking technology. Some of the projects I completed concern VR tech used for brain surgery and innovative PACS for telemammography. In addition, I have extensive expertise in writing ebooks on investment property income and other topics in the real estate field. I worked for years as a financial proofreader on Wall Street for various law firms.
My Promise
I am confident that I can complete a successful ebook on any topic for your product, service, or business, helping you to thrive in today’s competitive marketplace.